301 Centre Avenue
Star Filling Station / Texaco Gas Station
About The Building
Constructed in 1925, this small gasoline station is located in the high plains town of New Raymer in northeastern Weld County. It is situated at the historic commercial intersection of Centre Avenue and Brock Street, one block north of Colorado State Highway 14. The building is surrounded by public streets, commercial buildings, residences and vacant lots. The station is notable for its early twentieth century design as a gasoline station consisting of an enclosed room with a projecting open canopy that provides shelter for a drive-through fueling lane. Also of note is its false front, a characteristic of other commercial buildings of similar age constructed in New Raymer. Although it has deteriorated somewhat following several decades of lack of use and maintenance, the building retains a high level of architectural integrity and conveys much to the present-day observer about its early twentieth century design and construction. (Information from the National Register of Historic Places Registration Form written by Ron Sladek.)
Accomplishments So Far
Approval for Application for Nomination to the Historic Register
We submitted this building along with several others in New Raymer to see whether they would be candidates for the historic register. Not all of our choices were approved, but we are happy to say that we were able to get approval for this building.
Nominated to the National Historic Register
We hired Ron Sladek to put together our nomination for this building to the National Historic Register of Places. Representatives of Friends of Raymer, as well as Ron Sladek, presented our nomination to the review board on September 20th, 2019. It was approved by this committee for the National Historic Register. The nomination then goes to the national review board. The building has officially been added to the National Historic Register!
Building Stabilization
Our Friends of Raymer Giving Tuesday Fundraiser on Facebook in 2019 was instrumental in getting us started with our stabilization project on the Texaco Gas Station this summer. Kim Grant from Colorado Preservation, Inc. also helped us obtain a grant through History Colorado for this project. With this funding, we were able to raise and stabilize the apron on the front of the building. We were also able to put on a new roof! Jon Sargent of Deep Roots Timberworks managed this project for us and did a fantastic job bringing it all together. We are thrilled with his work on our beloved building. Representatives from Colorado Preservation, Inc as well as Friends of Raymer joined community members in cleaning up the area around the building as well as cleaning out the inside. We saved as many important documents as we were able to. We found some really neat things including blueprints and assorted Texaco items and receipts. We were lucky enough to have some younger folks helping us. They removed many large solid concrete bags from the building, as well as doing a great job helping us find things worth saving amongst the things that had built up inside. We have covered the windows and doors of the building to help keep the weather out as well we work on fundraising to continue the restoration of this building.
Next Steps
We will be pursuing grants to help in our efforts to restore this building. We will also be be asking for donations and holding fundraisers in an effort to raise money through Friends of Raymer.
Collecting Information
Our researcher Ron Sladek was able to find wonderful information about this buiding and its history. As it is one of our most important projects we would love to continue to collect stories, photos, and history about this building. If you have information about this building we would love to talk with you.
Photo Gallery
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Want to help? Have additional information?
We NEED You!
We will need lots of volunteers to help with various things from fundraising to actually helping with the building restoration. We are also always looking for more information and photos about this building and the others in historic Raymer, CO.